martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

The best film

It's hard for me to choose a favourite movie, but there is a movie in particular that when I saw it caught my attention.

"The fault in our stars"

Do you know it?

It's the story of a girl who suffers cancer and meets a boy who helps her to make her dreams come  true.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

My style of music

I would not define myself as a person who loves music.

If i have to choose a style of music i would choose POP!!

I like relaxed songs that convey good messages.

INDILA is a french singer and composer.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

My new blog

Art&Photo is a blog for ISO( image and sound).

My name is Paula, I study at Saavedra Fajardo secondary school.
In that blog will be publishing projects, works, photos and videos.

   Welcome students!!