martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019



Synopsis: a woman who suffers gender violence, the living together with her husband is impossible. The woman receive the support of her daughter.   
                         Scene 1
                                  (At night, at home)
Woman: she comes home too late.
Man: he hits the woman and shakes her.
                                    Scene 2
                   (the next morning, in the bathroom)
Woman: she looks herself in the mirror.  She looks her bruises.
Daughter: she enters and discovers his mother.
Woman: she covers her bruises.
                                 Scene 3
                                   (at work)
Workmates: they notice about the injuries of the woman.
                                   Scene 4
                                    (at home, at night)
Woman: she returns from work.
Man: he is angry because the woman hasn’t made the dinner. He  shrieks       her. He lashes her.
                                    Scene 5
                                (in the bathroom)
Woman: she looks herself in the mirror. She has injuries and bruises on her face and body.
Woman: on her face and body have painted the words: “useless”,”stupid”,”whore”.

                                            Scene 6
                           (the next morning, at home)
Woman: she makes-up to hide her injuries.
Woman: she goes to work.
Daughter: she says goodbye and she kiss her mother
Daughter: she noticed the make-up of her mother and ask her.
                                            Scene 7
                                             (at home)
Woman: she returns from work.
Woman: she is looking her bag and suddenly she finds a slip of paper with the number 016 and with a spirit message.
                                           Scene 8
                                           (at home, in the living room)
Woman: she have the slip of paper and the mobile in her hands. She is doubting if call or not.
Daughter: she observes her mother from behind.
Woman: she sees her daughter.  She holds her daughter.
Daughter: she encourages her mother to do the call.

                                          Scene 9
                                      (at home, in the living room)
Woman: finally she calls to 016. She holds her daughter.


Work of shots