lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

My soundtrack

Hello, everyone.
I don't know for sure but I guess this will be my last post, since the course ends and the image and sound classes come to an end.
This last work consists of choosing our favorite soundtrack and that of our family, as well as giving the explanations of why we chose it.
For me to choose a soundtrack is a difficult task, nowadays there are millions of very good soundtracks.
I think I'd go with the soundtrack from the movie "Mamma mia".👯

My choice is because:

  • it's a soundtrack I can listen to a thousand times and still not get tired
  • wherever you hear it is recognized by all
  • is a fun and cheerful soundtrack that makes you dance and sing

I think this theme is used to engage the audience, to give humor to the film and to visualize life with joy in spite of the problems.

Next, let's talk about temp music, this is when you are editing a film and you take music from another movie and use it temporarily in your cut. This happens in the film " the dark knight, the legend is reborn"    in which the song "Journey in the line" is used.

Let's talk about my family's favorite soundtracks¡¡¡¡¡ðŸ˜€

My sister's favorite soundtrack is "The lion king"😼
My mother's favorite soundtrack is "Grease"🙆
My father's favorite soundtrack is "Pulp fiction"